Monday, May 27, 2013

Some of my favorite things

I should be blogging about Women of Will (which was AMAZING!) or Kinky Boots (also, AMAZING!) or any of the other shows I've seen lately...  However, it is so pretty outside, warm and sunny, and almost summer!  That instead, I have been walking around all day sing "these are a few of my favorite things" and it made me want to actually list some of mine.  Happy weather+Life going well=Very Happy Reesa.  So, I am marking this moment.  And celebrating the things I love!  (These are not the things that necessarily inspire me, but the things that always make me happy)

In no particular order:

* Puppies with one ear up and one floppy ear (or a sideways ear :p )

* How expressive my cat's face is

* Skirts and bare feet in the grass

* The feel of warm sun, spring breaking through the cold

* That magic moment that happens in rehearsal in which I *know* I have a show

* Creative people who freely share themselves

* Cuddle naps

* Leisurely mornings with coffee and eggs and toast

* Writing

* Laughing

* Dancing

* Singing

* Music

* Singing and dancing on the subway

* The first rehearsal

* The first performance

* Friends and family who know who I am and love me because of it

* Communities of people who embrace the humanity of a soul - the good and bad - we've all done it.

* Red wine

* Red wine with bad for me cupcakes

* French Fries

* Lemon Bars

* The feel of a new story rumbling in the corner of my soul

* Seeing a great play

* Neighbors saying "hello, how ya doing" while sitting on a stoop

* Making faces to kids on the subway

* Beginnings

* Little Bunny Foo Foo

* Creating

* The work

* Remembering the people who loved me and are gone, but not forgotten, always in my heart

* Freshly pained finger nails

* Old friends

* New friends

* The many crazy and surreal moment of my life

*A good book

* People with wrinkly brains who keep up with me in conversation

* Touching trees

* Touching

* Having my back scratched

* Telling my story

* People who listen

Ok, I could keep going all day.  But I think I'll stop now.  What are some of your favorite things?